I know I am in for a treat when I go to visit my friends at the YMCA…I am delighted at their overflowing energy and constant participation. For this visit to the YMCA, I had an activity planned. I wrote the word “princess” on the board and explained how I planned to do an acrostic poem. I went down the line and the girls and boys raised their hands to offer words that princesses and princes should be that start with that letter. I offered little help with coming up with words for each letter. Here is a snippet of what we brainstormed:
P – proud, polite, powerful, and peaceful
R – respectful, righteous, and real
I – involved (I then explained how each one of them could get INVOLVED with the North Carolina Azalea Festival through the Children’s Art Contest), independent, and intelligent
N – nice, noisy (the class had a good laugh about this one), noble, and knowledge (I ignored the fact it started with a “k”)
C – creative, classy, courageous, caring, and Cinderella
E – energetic, enjoyable, encouraging, and easel (honestly have no clue where this one came from, but we went with it)
S – special, spectacular, and sassy ( I explained “sassy” is good in moderation and should never be used to hurt someone’s feelings)
S – selfless
We went through and discussed how everyone can demonstrate these qualities and become a true prince or princess. After the activity, I showed a few Azalea Princesses and Princes in training how to do the princess/prince walk and even how to wave. Check out the video on Instagram at @ncazalaeaprincess!
I treasure every second I get to spend at the YMCA because the girls and boys there are so SPECIAL, NOBLE, ENCOURAGING, and SELFLESS. They make my days brighter and better! Thank you to the YMCA and the Children’s Program Directors for letting me come visit!
My last parade is the Martin Luther King Jr. Parade, and I would really love to see all of you there!
There’s still time to register for the North Carolina Azalea Festival Scholarship Pageant! You must me a high school junior in the Wilmington, Brunswick, or Topsail area to participate!
Don’t forget to follow the last few months of my journey @ncazaleaprincess on Instagram!