The heat could not hinder the fun of The Fourth of July in Southport!! This was my first parade since The Azalea Festival, and it was full of waving, smiles, pictures, and fried Oreos. It began by meeting up with the wonderful Mrs. Jean Lawler for our lineup in the parade, and she drove me down the streets as I sat on the back of her festively decorated Volkswagen bug! The environment was so joyful and I loved hearing little girls shout my name and get so excited about seeing a ‘real-life princess’. The people along the streets were smiling and cheering and I felt so honored to be a part of this famous celebration of our nation’s birthday. At the end of the parade we drove past and exchanged smiles and Happy 4th wishes to a group of veterans, the disabled, as well as locals who weren’t able to sit on the main road; I couldn’t think of a better finish line.

After the parade, my family and I walked around the beautiful, historic oceanfront city and enjoyed some trolley stop hot dogs by the water, followed by my personal favorite, fried Oreos! There were tons of tent vendors selling all kinds of fun things and I got some earrings to remind me of this special day. We shopped, strolled, danced, mingled, smiled and waved. It was my kind of day…

I met and took pictures with so many sweet young girls and was able to speak to others about the Azalea Festival and what it means to me and to the city of Wilmington. Every person I talked to was kind and welcoming. The committee who puts this event together each year do an amazing job; there were people walking around with fans and water in hopes to help others brave the heat.
Camille’s of Wilmington helped me find the perfect red dress for the day, it is one of my very favorites so far. People couldn’t believe that it was one of my first times to Southport, but there is no doubt I will be going back soon! There is a special charm about this quaint town and July 4th, 2019 will be a special memory forever. It will be hard to top this day 🙂
Claire-Emma Britt
2019 Azalea Festival Princess