Some may have celebrated their 4th of July with a BBQ or beach day, but I was fortunate enough to represent the North Carolina Azalea Festival at the 4th of July Parade in Southport! The weather ended up being beautiful after a few showers had passed that morning, so my dad and I enjoyed chatting outside with the other event participants before the parade began that day.

With an American flag in my hand and my dad behind the wheel, we began to move in the parade route. I got to ride in style thanks to Capital Ford of Wilmington, who so kindly loaned us a shiny, black convertible! There were a ton of people in the crowds – I even got to wave hello to this past year’s Azalea Festival president, Jean Lawler, which definitely put a big smile on my face!
Just like the other events I’ve attended this year, the parade reminded me so much of the Azalea Festival and made me realize how much I miss that amazing week in Wilmington. Thankfully, you can mark your calendars for April 11-15, 2018, which is exactly when the next Azalea Festival will be.
I had such a great time at the 4th of July Parade and I love that I get to share my Azalea Festival Princess journey with you all this year. Happy Summer everyone!
Your 2017 North Carolina Azalea Festival Princess
Emma Grace Wright