April 2-6, 2025



Beginner’s Guide: How To Best Experience The North Carolina Azalea Festival

Becoming a Patron Sponsor is the BEST way to experience the North Carolina Azalea Festival because…we compiled our most southern, entertaining events into one ultimate package: The Patron Package.

The Patron Package

Want to enjoy all the North Carolina Azalea Festival Fun…which includes tickets for two for three days of entertainment? As a Festival Patron, you will receive:

Thursday, April 6th

  • Lunch and drinks for two at our private, VIP Celebrity Reception
  • Two concert tickets to the Friday Night Concert (TBA) which includes two hospitality passes and free parking

Friday, April 7th

  • Southern BBQ and open bar at our completely southern, can’t miss Airlie Luncheon Garden Party. Don’t forget your seersucker, bow tie, and Sunday hat!
  • Two concert tickets to Friday Night Concert (TBA) which includes two hospitality passes and free parking

Garden Party

Saturday, April 8th

  • Two bleacher seats to one of the oldest and largest Parades of the region OR a Limited Edition Azalea Festival Sticker Decal
  • Heavy hor d’ouevres, open bar, and party band music to our private, black-tie Patrons’ Party. Formalwear required.


As an additional thank-you, Patrons receive

  • A Limited Edition 2017 Festival Print
  • A listing as a supporter in the Azalea Festival Souvenir Book

So if after all this, you’re not even a tiny bit interested in becoming a Patron Sponsor, we still want YOU to be a part of the Festival! There are many ways to get involved with the North Carolina Azalea Festival, and being a sponsor is only one of them. Check out our volunteer page, our committee for high school students, or wait until October 1st for Street Fair and Parade opportunities.

Check back on our website beginning October 1st to become an Azalea Festival Patron Sponsor! If you have any questions, please contact us at info@ncazaleafestival.org.

[button link=”https://indd.adobe.com/view/91b08fa3-6b94-46fc-a188-189c159891f0″ target=”_blank” text=”View the 2017 Sponsorship Kit” design=””]

[button link=”http://eepurl.com/bMg0zf” target=”_blank” text=”Sign up for our E-Newsletter” design=””]

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