April 2-6, 2025



Watermelon, Sunshine and Small- town Charm

The 2018 North Carolina Watermelon Festival in Fair Bluff, N.C. was filled with watermelon, sunshine, and small-town charm. It was an honor to take part in a wonderful celebration of hometown pride with a community that has overcome so much hardship in the last few years. The day started off at the Fair Bluff Depot Museum where we got to eat cookies and drink lemonade while getting to know other visiting queens.

  While at the museum we did a craft and I got to make a super cute watermelon sun hat.  I can’t wait to use it at the beach! Next was the parade. Once again I was the luckiest princess there and had Mrs. Jean Lawler to keep me riding in style. Mrs. Lawler and I had a wonderful time riding down the antique main street of the town and waving at people. After the parade, I enjoyed walking around the street fair and getting a feel for the town’s culture. I met many kind people, ate pork skins and watermelon flavored shaved ice, and even got to race ducks for a fundraiser that the Fair Bluff Rotary was putting on.

 The day finished with the 2018 Teen Miss, Queen, and Mrs. Watermelon Pageant. I so enjoyed watching the pageant because I knew exactly what these young women were feeling and I was beyond proud of all the contestants for being so beautiful and well-spoken.

Congratulations to the 2018 N.C. Watermelon Festival Teen Miss Anna Walker, Queen Victoria Wooten, and Mrs. Jan Walters Hardee. Thank you to the pageant and festival director Mary Ashton Gore for being so welcoming and making sure we all had an amazing day. I was also so thankful for the opportunity to talk to the crowd at the pageant and invite them to the Azalea Festival. Attending the 2018 North Carolina Watermelon Festival made me very excited for the 2019 North Carolina Azalea Festival.

I cannot wait for next year’s festival which will occur April 3-7th. Will I see you there? xoxo

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